Joe Simpson, father of the well known curvaceous beauty Jessica Simpson, was recently arrested for DUI around 10 in the evening in Los Angeles. At 54 years old you would think Joe would know better. I am pretty sure his daughter would have arranged for a driver if needed rather than have her dad arrested for driving under the influence. According to news sources Joe did not get released until the next day at around 9:40 in the morning. There was no bail amount set and Simpson was released on his promise to appear in court when instructed.
The incident occurred on August 04,2012, but the prosecutor for the office of the L.A. City Attorney has not yet received the case to determine whether charges will be filed or not. If Joe Simpson is not charged this could lead to complaints of special treatment because he is the father of a very famous star in town. Since Joe has not previously been in trouble with the law any charges will probably result in a fine, without any jail time being given. Whether the prosecutor files charges or not it is apparent that Joe Simpson may need help dealing with his alcohol abuse. Substance abuse treatment should be a priority for him, and if he refuses help then his daughter should step in to ensure that help is received.