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Finding A Job After Rehab

Finding A Job After Rehab

One of the things about rehab and post-rehab life is getting back to the normal swing of life. This includes doing things like paying bills, getting a job, going grocery shopping and more. However, just because you’ve been to rehab does not mean finding a job again...
Tips for Staying Sober During Holidays

Tips for Staying Sober During Holidays

Depending on your religion and your location, the holidays come at various times of the year for you. However, nearly every culture has holidays of some sort throughout the year. And with holidays, typically comes alcohol, too. For most people, this is an exciting...
How to Talk to an Alcoholic

How to Talk to an Alcoholic

Whether it is a close friend, a family member, or even a significant other – talking to someone about their obvious struggle with alcohol is difficult. You might not know how to approach it, what to say, or how to respond based on their reaction. But if you are...
The Cost of Alcohol Addiction

The Cost of Alcohol Addiction

Have you ever taken a second to stop and think about how expensive an addiction really is? If you have a food addiction and you go eat out every single night, or go splurge on a large triple chocolate milkshake every night, you would be surprised to find out just how...
Alcohol and the Liver: Learn to Love Your Liver

Alcohol and the Liver: Learn to Love Your Liver

While you might recover from a hangover after a night of drinking in about 24 hours, or at least just after a good night’s sleep, this is not the case with the internal effects alcohol has on your body. And there is one main organ that alcohol directly affects...

Alcoholism and the Compulsivity Circuit

Have you ever wondered why someone would do something even though it hurts them? As an outsider, people often find themselves wondering this about addicts. A new study takes a look at the fact that heavy drinkers will still try to acquire alcohol despite the known...