We look forward to working with you!
The Team At Valiant Recovery is made up of a mix of qualified individuals who truly care! In choosing staff, Valiant not only looks at education and experience, but we choose staff with strong moral Character who choose this line of work because of passion, it’s not just a job to them.

Irina Gaudet, MA
As a Psychologist in Russia since 2005, Irina worked for both the Technical College and Services and the Mental health center of Psychology. After Coming to Canada in 2018, Irina continued to provide private counseling via video conferencing, back oversees and had her degree converted to a Canadian Masters Degree.
Irina holds a Masters degree in Specialty Psychology Management Degree in Specialty Psychology Management Degree in Entrepreneurship.

Christy Brown, RPS, EMDR
Counselor (Over 10 years with Valiant Recovery)
Christy is one of our long term employees, joining Valiant in 2012, she has fulfilled many different roles with us. Christy is a EMDR specialist (trauma Therapy), and Relapse Prevention Counselor, she also specializes in Sexual abuse, Marriage and relationships, grief and loss, forgiveness, boundaries and co-dependency. She has spent over 20 years of her life counseling others in all areas.
Christy has a passion for people, helping them with challenges and getting to the core reasons, the WHY behind their addictions, and compulsions. Helping individuals suffering in there marriages and relationships, is one of her favorite areas, she has extensive experience and training in this area as well.
“I enjoy spending time with the clients and getting to know them on a real level and relate to them as a person. I like to laugh, have fun and have a good sense of humor, because although things might be tough and hard work, it is important to laugh and see the light side as well as dig deep and get things dealt with.” Christy

Kari Dittman, RPS
Facility Manager (Over 5 years with Valiant Recovery)
Kari joined Valiant Recovery in 2017 as a facilitator and grew into the role of management. Prior to Valiant, Kari oversaw the daily operations for a women’s addiction facility in Alberta for 5 years. prior to that she worked for 17 years as a Church admin.
Kari loves her job and loves overseeing the center to assure that all the daily needs are being met. Kari is a relapse prevention specialist and facilitates a large variety of group sessions. When not teaching groups you may find her in the kitchen preparing delicious meals, or organizing the center to make everyones stay pleasant.

Jackie Watson, MS
Jackie Joined our team after gaining over 25 years of experience working in healthcare, from Public care to Private centers. She was a Psychology instructor for the university, Executive Director at Metis Community services society, Therapist / facilitator at a private addiction center, and personal recovery coach. She is strong in her focus to help individuals overcome both addictions and mental health struggles.
Jackie has a Masters of Science in Psychology, Bachelors in Psychology and Bachelors in Social work.
Curtis Mctavish, ACSW
Facilitator (Over 10 years with Valiant Recovery)

Curtis joined us in 2012 for his practicum placement, and we’re grateful he never left. He completed his Social Work/Addictions Diploma from Vancouver Island University, and is a Non Violent Crisis Intervention Instructor.
A little bit about you: I have worked in the field over 10 years now and I cant imagine doing any other type of work. I too struggled with addiction for many years and it was the Staff and people at facilities like Valiant that made my recovery not only possible but successful. I know first hand on what it feels like to be broken and hopeless but I also know what it feels like to be healed and to live a life of gratitude that includes supporting others on their journey.
Why do you help with people in Recovery? I love to give back what was given to me in my own recovery. I am always excited to see the potential and then the results of our Clients as they go through the process of their journey. The Aha moments they experience are such a blessing to be part of. I believe recovery is a journey that never has to be taken alone. We all need guidance and support to have our spiritual, mental, emotional and physical needs met.It is my purpose and my path to help anyone who is ready to make this journey”.
A message to those in Recovery that may choose our services? To anyone that is suffering I encourage you to make the decision to come to Valiant and trust that you will find the support, education, healing and compassion here that you have been seeking. I have personally witnessed hundreds of people come through our doors so broken and hopeless but only to leave enlightened and well on their journey to a higher quality of life and healing.

Dr. John Peters, MA
Counselor, Facilitator (5 years with Valiant Recovery)
Education: Master of Theology/Major in Counseling –Doctor of Theology – Christian Certified Chaplin – Certified Psychologist – Sex Addiction Specialist.
A little bit about you: My Hobbies include art, music, and photography. I am a self-published author with several fiction and non-fiction books on Amazon including The Sojourner’s Guide to Knowing Jesus, A world in Transition, The Raven, and Vale Thomas (Out of the Shadows)
Why do you like working for Valiant Recovery? I like working for Valiant Recovery because of its Foundation, the love, confidence, and atmosphere. I most enjoy seeing the clients grow and succeed in and through their efforts to work their programs.
Why do you help with people in Recovery? I have lived my whole life around broken and troubled people and families, have seen and suffered many forms of abuse. I have been broken and derelict, and have been fully restored through the love of God and the finished work of the Cross. My life’s work has been to help and heal those who are bound and bruised where ever possible. Luke 4:18

Tracy Nickel, CCAC, ICADC, DATS
Admissions Director (All Locations)
Tracy Nickel comes to you with 16 years of social service experience, including a specialization in addiction/mental health treatment. She is proud to have been a part of hundreds of life changing miracles! Through the years she has found an intense passion in guiding people to live the life they deserve. Her work, years of education, and personal experience add to her expertise as an intake agent. Her story is one of struggle and redemption; it’s not always easy, but it has always been worth it. Her care, empathy, and expertise make her unique and dedicated to your every need when it comes to guiding you into treatment and choosing the right program that will set you up for success and long term recovery.
Tracy is a Canadian Certified Addiction Counsellor (CCAC), an International Certified Alcohol and Drug Counsellor (ICADC) and a Drug and Alcohol Treatment Specialist (DATS).
Facilitator, Cook, (5 years with Valiant Recovery)
Pam joined our team in 2019 as a valuable member with years of personal recovery experience.
A little bit about me: Instead of “wowing” you with many impressive achievements, I’m going to make a confession. It took me longer than most, to figure out where I wanted my life to go and how to get there. As a result, I found myself heading towards destinations that I knew I didn’t want to reach! Adversity, mistakes and consequences of poor choices are not the highlights of anyone’s life…but I believe we have a choice in how those events will affect us. Through those experiences, I recognized some of my greatest strengths, skills and qualities which in turn, pointed me in the direction I’d been searching for all along. Hi. My name is Pam and I’m an…impassioned facilitator at Valiant Recovery!
Why do you help with people in recovery? For every addict that succeeds in navigating their way through the challenges and responsibilities of long term recovery, the benefits ripple outward, touching families, friends, communities. Helping someone start their difficult journey with a solid foundation that will support their recovery, is for me, like opening a door of opportunity where the miraculous can and does happen.
What do you like teaching most in course work? My favorite courses are those that speak to the heart of a client. Each section (though equally valuable and able to create positive change when practiced) will be accepted by different people at different times. When I’m teaching a course to people who are eager to learn all they can on the subject, it becomes my favorite…for that day!
Why do you like working at Valiant Recovery? Being part of this amazing, compassionate, dedicated team, makes the most challenging work day a pleasure because I know what we do at Valiant is making a difference in people’s lives.

Colette Isbister
Facilitator (Over 5 years with Valiant Recovery)
Colette Joined the Valiant team in 2018, and brings years of insight to her position. Colette is skilled when it comes to facilitating groups, in particular she is a master at the 12 steps. We often receive positive feedback that the “way” she leads 12 step had made those skeptical of 12 step actually enjoy the process, It all depends on how it’s taught, and Colette leads it well. Colette combines her years of experience with her compassion and guides clients throughout their recovery process.
Donna Lepage
Facilitator (2.5 years with Valiant Recovery)
Donna Joined Valiant in 2021, with years of both personal and professional addiction experience. She has been an active member of her First Nation and 12 step community. Donna has a contagious smile and laughter that can brighten up your day.

Krista Giilck, BA, MA grad student
Counselor / Facilitator
After years of working at another addiction treatment center in Ontario, Krista moved to Kelowna and Joined our team. Krista is currently completing her MA. in Psychology, and offers great support to our clients.

Royce Dockrill, Interventionist, RPS
CEO, Marketing Manager
LeeAnn Dockrill, Interventionist, RPS
COO, Admissions Coordinator
In 2009, Royce together with his wife LeeAnn founded Valiant Recovery, with a vision to fill the gap in quality addiction treatment. Having a strong desire to continue to see lives set free from addiction, the Dockrill’s continued to invest the company gains and opened new centers. Today, the Valiant group includes: Valiant Recovery in Kelowna BC, The Crossing Point in Kelowna Bc, Valiant Behavioral Health in Ottawa, and Valiant Recovery in Punta Gorda Florida.
Royce and LeeAnn form a strong team, having owned and operated their own businesses for the past 27 years. They have taken on many challenges in life, and overcome them with confidence and faith. Royce and LeeAnn oversee all the daily aspects of all the Valiant Recovery centers.
These days spare time has become very sparse, however they still find time to take joy in volunteering. LeeAnn has led different areas and events through children’s and ladies ministries in their local church, from kids camps, to banquets. She has been part of prayer and prophetic ministries. Royce donates his spare time and resources, helping out in the audio department at their local church, and other churches abroad.
God created everyone with a purpose. Our desire is that you would fulfill your God given purpose in life, living your life to its fullest. Life is not just about you, but also about what you can do for others!!!