1. Family History And Genetic Component- If you have a family history of addiction then you are generally at a higher risk for developing substance abuse problems or becoming addicted to a substance like alcohol or drugs. Children of alcoholics are far more likely to follow this path than those who have no family or genetic history of this condition.
2. Trauma, Especially In Childhood – Abuse, neglect, sexual assault, and other traumas in childhood can leave deep wounds that may not heal. These can lead to substance abuse if they are not addressed and opened up so that healing can begin. Adults who go through a very traumatic experience also have higher risks in this area.
3. Mental Disorders- Some mental disorders can increase the risk of addiction occurring. These include anxiety, depression, and a number of others. Often individuals who have these disorders try to self medicate with alcohol or street drugs, but these efforts may only make things worse.
4. Substance Use At An Early Age- The earlier the age that substance use starts the more likely it is that an addiction will result. Younger individuals, teens, and children are more susceptible. That does not mean that starting substance use in middle age will protect from addiction, but the age when this activity starts can increase the risks involved.
5. Administration Method Used- Some methods of administration are riskier than others where substance abuse and addiction are concerned. Injecting the substance or inhaling smoke that is produced from drugs can cause the risk of addiction to jump considerably.