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alcohol recovery, mobile applications for substance abuse treatment

There are a number of mobile applications that can help individuals with substance abuse recovery and help them stay sober in a number of ways. These applications are all designed to help with the recovery process and can cover a wide range of titles and uses. The applications can do everything that a recovering alcoholic or drug addict nay require, including locating a sponsor or the newest group meeting. The Hazelden Foundation has revealed one of the most popular applications in this area with the More Field Guide To Life application. This program can help boost the chances of complete sobriety, and actually rewards the user with the number of days sober once the application is logged into. This application can also provide support, offer the next AA meeting time and place, and even contact a sponsor for much needed support during a rough time.

Substance abuse recovery applications can be found in many versions, and each offers different features and functions that can be very helpful during substance abuse treatment and recovery. These applications can not take the place of counseling, sponsor support, and substance abuse treatment but they can increase the odds that you will stay sober instead of relapsing back to the old ways. Other application programs for mobile phones and PC devices include the Sobriety Date Calculator, AA Steps Away, and many other titles to choose from. All of these applications are designed to provide support services for those recovering from substance abuse. Recovery can be very difficult and support has been shown to decrease the risk of relapse after leaving treatment. In this case technology may make a difference in whether your recovery is permanent or not.