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Many people are not aware of the Dual Diagnosis Research Program in Canada, and those who do know about it may not fully understand what this program is or how it works. This is a unique program, there are not any other programs in Canada that are similar. The focus of the Dual Diagnosis Research Program in Canada is individuals who have both mental illness and behavioral issues, and their families who are also affected by these issues. Research is ongoing into the various aspects of a dual diagnosis, and treatment for all of the mental illness and behavioral concerns are necessary for a full recovery. Before this program was started there were no research programs on dual diagnosis, yet those who are given a dual diagnosis are typically marginalized and not properly treated.

The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health is highly involved with the Dual Diagnosis Research Program in Canada, and both inpatient and outpatient services are provided through the Dual Diagnosis Service at the center. The data that is collected is used by the Dual Diagnosis Research Program in Canada in order to better understand and treat individuals who suffer from mental illness and behavioral concerns. The complexity of the treatment needs for patients who have been given a dual diagnosis severely limits their treatment options, and many facilities and medical professionals are not capable of treating all of the issues that the patient has. The Dual Diagnosis Research Program in Canada hopes to change this and ensure that all dual diagnosis patients are treated appropriately instead of marginalized.