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activities ideal for sobriety, help to stay sober1. Get out and spend time with friends and family. Being social does not have to involve alcohol or drugs, and there are a large number of venues where you will not be tempted. Connect with those you care about so that your reasons for staying sober are easy to remember.

2. Start going to meetings or support groups on a regular basis. Often relapse can be prevented just by discussing your feelings with a sponsor or other individual who has been there. When you attend meetings you will enlarge your social group in a positive way and this can provide more support.

3. Take up a hobby. Once you no longer have a substance abuse issue you may be surprised by the amount of time that these habits used to fill. Start engaging in a sport, pick up some materials and create something you want to build, or even choose model railroads or other types of hobbies.

4. Volunteer your time on a monthly or weekly basis. When you volunteer you are making your community a better place to be, and you will get a sense of accomplishment that can be very fulfilling as a reward. In addition you will begin to understand that many have it worse off then you do and this can give you reasons to be positive instead of negative.

5. Create a weekly plan that allows you to get out and enjoy time away from home without leading you back to your old ways. This may be a Saturday afternoon movie with friends, dinner out with family on Friday, or even a trip to area attractions with your significant other.