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New Years Resolutions1. Stop Drinking- One of the most common resolutions for the new year is to stop consuming alcohol. This is a goal set by millions but not one that is always reached successfully. A comprehensive support plan and lifestyle changes can help you achieve this resolution without risking numerous relapses.

2. Lose Weight- Losing weight is something that many Americans aspire to. Unfortunately this resolution is not always easy to keep, and for those with a food addiction or eating disorder this can seem impossible at times. If you have tried and failed in the past then professional programs and support options can help you avoid failure and reach your ideal weight goals.

3. Eat A Better Diet- Good health is important, and is the basis for one of the most common resolutions for this time of year. Avoiding fast foods, high sugar treats, and menu options loaded with fat and calories are the best dietary choices you can make. Choose fresh fruits and vegetables, and make proteins as lean as possible.

4. Stop Using Drugs- Substance abuse is a big problem, one that many want to eliminate from their lives completely. This can include tobacco use, as well as illegal street drugs and prescription medications.

5. Exercise More- Being more active and getting in better physical shape is a big resolution that is made by many. You do not have to start off the year with a gym membership and an every day workout schedule, but you can make an effort to take the stairs each day instead of using the elevator. Walk to the corner store for a few staples instead of driving across town. These steps will help you get in better shape and stay healthier without a lot of planning and complication.