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There are many resources available to you if you know where to look. Finding the right type of help with addiction or the best substance abuse treatment program within your budget is usually a matter of locating programs and facilities and then making comparisons. You will find outpatient programs and inpatient facilities, and each will have a specific relapse rate, treatment methods and options offered, and cost. It is important to compare these different features to ensure that you get effective help with addiction.

Substance abuse treatment and help with addiction needs to be highly personalized in order to get the best possible results. Every person is different and unique, with different contributing factors and past experiences that play a role in the addiction. In order for help with addiction to give the desired results it must follow a customized treatment plan based on the individual. A cookie cutter program for substance abuse treatment or addiction will not give the best possible results, and high relapse rates should be expected in this case. If you need substance abuse treatment or help with addiction one place to start is with your family physician if you have one. This doctor can refer you to the appropriate agencies and resources in order to get the right type of help for the issues that you have.