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Mental Health

Mental Health

Mental Illnesses Associated With Addiction
There are many different types of Mental Illnesses associated with addiction, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, Depression, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Mania, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, Phobias, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Schizophrenia.

Addiction And Mental Health Disorders
Sometimes an individual may try to hide the drug or alcohol use, and this may prevent a dual diagnosis from being made. It is essential that both addiction and mental health are treated at the same exact time. Treating one of these conditions without the other is a recipe for failure, and will not work. If the alcoholism and mental health disorders are not both diagnosed then the chance of successful treatment is much lower. Someone with a dual diagnosis should look for treatment centers that specialize in treating both components of the problem, and not just one condition or the other.

Anxiety Disorders
There are many different anxiety disorders that may be diagnosed, and though they all share the same symptoms the treatment may be somewhat different in each case. Many individuals who suffer from these conditions will try and self-medicate with alcohol, marijuana, or other harmful drugs, and this can be a serious mistake. A dual diagnosis of addiction and mental health disorders requires special treatment considerations. Anxiety disorders affect more than 40 million American adults, and this is not just normal fears or worries. if not treated then anxiety disorders can progressively become worse.

Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder will not go away, and delaying treatment will only make the symptoms of this disorder become more severe over time. The changes in moon can occur many times in a single day with bipolar disorder, or they may not change as frequently and either the high or low of the condition may last for days or even longer. Because this illness does include emotional instability and continuous mood changes treating it can be a big challenge but it is possible.

Depression Facts
A weight change is also common with depression, and individuals who are depressed may feel hopeless, helpless, or worthless. Suicidal thoughts are also a common sign of this disorder, and an intense feeling of sadness or loss is also normally present. Major depression symptoms can include a lack of interest in things normally enjoyed and a feeling of low or no energy through the day. Sometimes these symptoms are caused by depression, and at other times they are a sign of another type of mental health disorder, such as bipolar disorder or one of the anxiety disorders.

Grief And Loss Can Lead To Alcoholism
Sometimes after the loss of a loved one, you may no longer have the same spiritual faith that you did before, and this can lead you down the road of alcoholism or substance abuse. Grief can cause a spiritual wound, one that can not be seen but is very damaging and can cause alcoholism. At Valiant Recovery, we understand the causes of substance abuse, and how to treat these problems successfully and permanently. We are a luxury Christian rehab facility with programs for alcohol abuse as well as other types of substance abuse.

Mental Health Treatment
A dual diagnosis often means a combination of medications and other therapy types for mental health treatment that is effective and successful. Outpatient treatment is usually not as effective when the goal is treating both mental disorder and substance abuse and can lead to a high failure rate. If you or someone you love needs mental health treatment you should not delay getting help. Over time these disorders can become worse, causing more severe symptoms.

Personality Disorder
Sexual abuse at any time in childhood, especially by a parental or authority figure, can greatly increase the risk of developing a personality disorder. There are a number of risk factors for personality disorder, and almost half of the individuals diagnosed with this condition also had a history of sexual abuse at an early age. Abandonment in childhood or the teen years can also increase the risk of developing this condition, and so can a home life that is chaotic or disruptive and dysfunctional. A Personality disorder is also more likely if you have a close family member with this condition, or if there is a poor communication between family members.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Post-traumatic stress disorder can be diagnosed in 2 ways, acute or chronic. The acute stage is a short-term response of the brain to the trauma suffered. This mental health disorder can last for up to 6 months following the trauma trigger, this may be a sign of a higher risk for a chronic post-traumatic stress disorder. These signs can include temporary amnesia, disconnecting emotionally, and the inability to experience pleasure in a normal way. Chronic post-traumatic stress disorder is diagnosed if the symptoms last longer than 6 months, anyone with this type of condition may experience the traumatic event over and over in their mind. This can cause nightmares, agitation, and even physical responses.

Schizophrenia symptoms can include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, hearing voices, catatonic behavior, disorganized behavior, and the lack of certain important skills or abilities. The severity of these symptoms can range from mild to severe, and in some cases, an individual with schizophrenia may need to be hospitalized. This is especially true if there are substances abuse or addiction issues in addition to the mental disorder.

Social Phobia
Those who suffer from this illness may feel judged or watched, and normally feel insecure or inadequate in social settings. An overwhelming sense of anxiety and stress is the result of even considering a social event or interaction. Social phobia can have a devastating effect on daily life and normal activities, making it impossible for the individual to leave home or interact with anyone if the condition is severe. While many mental disorders have the symptoms which may appear and then go away social phobia has symptoms that will not lessen or disappear until it is treated.

What Are Mental Health Disorders?
Individuals who suffer from mental health disorders and substance abuse issues will receive a dual diagnosis. While the individual may think that the substance abuse helps it actually only makes the condition worse, and can lead to a deadly spiral. The substance abuse and addiction must be stopped so that effective medications can be given to control the mental health disorders. This requires a residential facility that is experienced in treating both mental illness and substance abuse. If these mental diseases are not treated they will continue to worsen over time, resulting in more severe symptoms and frequently increased substance abuse as well.

Professional Exhaustion and Burn Out
Professional exhaustion occurs at the climax of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion brought on by stress, typically from a job, However, anyone who feels overworked and undervalued is at risk for a burnout. A burnout is not caused solely by stressful work or too many responsibilities. Other factors also contribute to burnout, including your lifestyle and certain personality traits. What you do in your downtime and how you look at the world can play a significant role in causing a burnout.

Childhood Traumas That Can Lead To Drug And Alcohol Addiction
When the trauma occurred the memory was repressed, pushed back and hidden in the mind. When these memories come back to the surface they bring all of the original emotions as well, and this often results in drug and alcohol addiction. Many individuals who have suffered from childhood trauma develop a drug and alcohol addiction, usually to escape the pain of the memories that surface of the abuse. The substance abuse is a form of self-medication to control the emotions that flood out, but this is a self-destructive way to deal with the trauma. Drug and alcohol addiction will devastate your family, your finances, your career, and even your health and life.

Dual-Diagnosis and Co-Occurring disorders are commonly used terms which are interchangeable. People who have Co-occurring disorders often face a range of psychosocial issues, and often have more than two illnesses. Research has shown that more than 50% of people affected by addictive disorders also are affected by at least one other emotional or mental issue. Both Dual-diagnosis and Co-occurring describe a condition where people are affected by chemical dependency (addictions) and an emotional or psychiatric illness at the same time.

What is an Enabler or a Co-Dependent?
Most often an enabler is unaware and is only acting out what they feel is best at that moment in time. When an individual assists or allows another person to continue in their addictive behavior, whether actively or passively, you are enabling. Due to fear or lack of knowledge one may not respond when appropriate, or lack inappropriate response when needed. Saying nothing can also be a form of enabling. This can add increased stress and pain in your relationship.

Grief and Loss Therapy
Grief and Loss can lead to alcoholism. Death often reminds people of past losses or separations. Mourning may be described as having three phases, including the urge to bring back the person who died, disorganization and sadness, and reorganization. People who are grieving often feel extremely tired because the process of grieving usually requires physical and emotional energy. The grief they are feeling is not just for the person who died, but also for the unfulfilled wishes and plans for the relationship with the person.

Stress and Anger Management
The link above is to see the 7 steps to anger control.

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
A mental health professional can determine whether this mental disorder is the cause or if there are other problems that may be causing these symptoms to appear. Anyone who has been properly diagnosed with ADHD requires treatment, but all children and some adults may experience one or more symptoms at times, even if they don’t have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Fully Recover from Your Phobias
If you have a phobia then an object, animal, or activity which does not actually pose much danger may cause you to feel intense fear, and often anxiety as well. Dealing with a phobia can be stressful, and the symptoms of this disorder can be debilitating. A phobia is not a mild but irrational fear, it is something much bigger and much worse than that. We all have certain things that we may be fearful of. Spiders, snakes, flying, heights, and other scary situations may make anyone a little apprehensive. A full blown phobia can alter how you live your life though, and without treatment, your condition will usually worsen over time.

Do You Have Panic Disorder?
Panic Disorder is diagnosed when you have episodes of panic that are recurring and that may not be triggered by any specific location, event, or set of circumstances. Some individuals may only have one panic attack or a few episodes, but for others, this can be an ongoing ordeal that is extremely traumatic. Panic attacks that occur due to the panic disorder may resemble the symptoms of a heart attack, and you may feel like you are dying. You may find that you are apprehensive about going out in public places for fear that a panic attack will occur. You may also start to isolate yourself. Panic Disorder will not go away without treatment, and Valiant Recovery can help.

Mania Is A Serious Mental Disorder
Mania can be a very dangerous mental disorder. The lack of good judgment and the inability to focus are just a few of the components that can cause a dangerous situation to occur. During a manic episode you could be injured or killed due to risk-taking, and Emergency Rooms and physicians around the country see patients who have been harmed or hurt themselves during a manic episode. If you suffer from mania you may try to self-medicate in order to come down some, and this may include using drugs or alcohol. Criminal behavior can also be a problem with an individual who has mania. This mental disorder can destroy your life even if it does not cause death. If you suspect that you or someone you love has mania then immediate treatment should be sought as soon as possible.