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Christian faith based Addiction Recovery

Our Goal at Valiant Recovery:

God created everyone with a purpose. Our desire is that you would fulfill your God given purpose in life, living your life to its fullest. Life is not just about you, but also about what you can do for others!!! We believe that you may be living out the lies that others have told you about yourself or the lies you told yourself to cope in a world that can seem harsh and cold. We want to reignite your passion for life and to help counsel you through your journey to recovery and beyond.

14 For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through
many advisers. Proverbs 11:14 (NIV)

How do Addictions separate you from God?

Addictions can tear down our relationships with the ones we love, with our friends and business associates and more importantly, with ourselves and with God.

The roots of addictions may be unaddressed traumas, unresolved grief, problems that arise from a chaotic life, and living out a life as if it is a life sentence as opposed to a glorious journey.

Once these roots grow into full blown thought processes and our poor coping through addiction becomes habitual we can create huge walls between our understanding of our Christian identity and our walk with God.

11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 (NIV)

Let us help you with the stressors that are causing the addictions:

Our intensive inpatient treatment program gets our clients away from their stress triggers and normal addictive routines so they can change their lives. Choosing our Christian Residential Treatment Centre should be viewed as a choice to love yourself or the loved one that you care so much for. It is a choice to consciously and willfully head in a new direction. The results from our program speak for themselves.

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:25-27 NIV

How does Valiant Recovery provide Christian faith based Recovery when dealing with Addiction?

Our mandate and faith walk at Valiant Recovery:

Seeing the devastation that addiction has brought to so many individuals and their families, gave the owners and founders the passion to see others not merely helped, but truly set free. It started with Valiant Recovery 10 years ago and through prayer and divine purpose the seed of helping others in recovery has grown to include 4 residential treatment centers across Canada and the USA.

Christ oriented individualized one on one counselling:

 Individualized counselling is the backbone of our programming at Valiant Recovery. Valiant provides as many as 48 individual private sessions per month, which suit the needs of fast paced professionals as they are accustomed to rigorous academic environments and are results oriented. That being said the best counselling comes from someone that truly connects with empathetic listening and their heart is in the right place. Our counselling matches the psycho-educational evidence based addiction recovery model with a faith centered approach of prayer and deliverance.

Christian centered group work:

Our group work has a Christian orientation. It is important in the recovery process for the client to make connections with their peers and begin to understand the consequences of their addiction. It is also a powerful tool to find identification and similarities with others, as an important element for gaining insight into self. With addiction, people often say they feel alone and isolated and that no one else can feel this bad. Group therapy is there so they begin to know that they are not alone in this battle. Adding the component of GOD to group work leads to more vulnerability, deeper relationships with others and a deeper relationship with self.

Morning Reflections and Affirmations: Starting the day calmly and in gratitude and reflection is a powerful way to get the healing power of prayer to work for you. You will be asked to read aloud a daily reflection and to reflect on how it may show insight in your life.

Church services: As a client you will be able and encouraged to visit local church services situated in Kelowna BC. Some of these services may range from attending large scale churches that offers large stage performances to smaller more intimate modern church settings that focus on music as praise and prayer for each other.

AA meetings: As a client you will encouraged to attend AA meetings regularly. As a Christian it is a place for fellowship with other recovering addicts. Most people in the program revere AA’s Big Book as GOD inspired and it is an exciting part of your recovery to share your sobriety and healing. You may also be able to find some support in the group and when you return home you will be set up for success as you will have already connected and practiced what it is to attend AA meetings.

Prayer at meals: Being thankful while eating nutritious staff prepared meals is a great way to keep your mind on the positive aspects of recovery.

Genesis: This is a great program that our staff has been trained and certified in. It has powerful healing effects and it helps to free you from falsely held beliefs. It will help you question your false identity and accept your true nature. You will go through a life history and release traumas and it will show you that certain dead ends come from the lies that we have accepted as truths.

A full description of the Genesis Program:

Staff: Our staff come a diverse set of Christian backgrounds that understand that every client has a back story that is as original and unique as their own. The benefit of having staff that is faith based in a treatment setting is one of compassionate care and that of service orientation. Our staff also understands addiction and knows when to draw boundaries, challenge clients, and encourage clients to see things differently. We value balancing support and guidance with honesty and responsibility. Our staff want to empower clients, but also want to be honest with them when they are using old behaviors that no longer work for them. Our staff pray for clients and pray with them in times of need.

These are some of the other main benefits that our clients get from our program:

  • Living at an elegant residence where they feel loved and looked after helps to change their outlook on life. Most clients truly enjoy the group sessions in the great room with its marble fireplace.
  • Daily regular exercise and sleep helps the body repair itself and many clients have lost weight and become fit while under our supervision. We have a gym in the residence.
  • We offer the highest number of individualized counselling sessions in Canada, which allows for major breakthroughs. Our counsellors are top notch and they are specialized in trauma and addictions.
  • Our clients have access to specialized therapeutic recovery videos on our 150 inch screen with 9.1 Dolby surround sound.
  • Staff prepared tasty nutritious meals which allows our clients to focus on their recovery.

Private Counselling Guarantee We believe in one on one therapy so much that we guarantee it. Valiant Recovery Guarantees you the most 1on1 therapy in the industry. If you find a Residential Rehab program that offers more personal private therapy in a 30 day program, with a cost of no more than $36,000, we will match and beat their minimum included hours by 10%. (this obviously has to be mentioned before you check in)

The Valiant Recovery guarantee,We are confident in our recovery process, but more importantly we want you to be fully recovered! We will give you a free month of treatment in the event that you relapse. To qualify you must complete our 90 day program, and complete the follow up program. And if you relapse we would like to have you come back for treatment, and the first 30 days is on us. Full Details

We have arranged special financing for your treatment program. Call us for Detailed Program Pricing then follow the link below…

Business Philosophy:

Valiant Recovery is dedicated to providing the highest quality of individualized treatment for dependency in a caring and compassionate environment. Client confidentiality is of utmost importance. We treat each client with dignity and strive to replace hopelessness, fear and despair with optimism, hope and a new vision for life. Our staff of professionals are dedicated to excellence while providing life purpose. An understanding environment empowers clients to reach their goals and experience a life free from addictions.

Call us Now for Detailed Program Pricing 1.877.958.8247

Testimony of the healing power of the Genesis Process Course:

A testimony of the staff and 1 on 1 counselling