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How to Identify a Drug Overdose

How to Identify a Drug Overdose

A drug overdose is an unfortunate, but a growingly popular occurrence. In fact, in 2017, a record number of Canadians died from opioid overdoses, according to CBC. Compared to 2016, fatal overdoses were up more than 45 percent in 2017. What is an overdose? By...
The Cost of Alcohol Addiction

The Cost of Alcohol Addiction

Have you ever taken a second to stop and think about how expensive an addiction really is? If you have a food addiction and you go eat out every single night, or go splurge on a large triple chocolate milkshake every night, you would be surprised to find out just how...
Driving Under The Influence

Driving Under The Influence

To “drive under the influence” is to drive while under the influence of drugs, and did you know that this includes marijuana? Despite the fact that marijuana is being legalized in many parts of the world, that still does not mean that you can drive while...