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Driving Under The Influence

Driving Under The Influence

To “drive under the influence” is to drive while under the influence of drugs, and did you know that this includes marijuana? Despite the fact that marijuana is being legalized in many parts of the world, that still does not mean that you can drive while...
Talking to Your Kids About Drugs

Talking to Your Kids About Drugs

School has been back in session for a few months now, and kids are getting back into the routine of everything. With this routine also comes the stress of class, the stress of sports and practices, and the daily peer pressure to “fit in”; teens are at high...
September: National Recovery Month

September: National Recovery Month

Every year, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) sponsors Recovery Month. It is designed to increase understanding and awareness of both mental and substance use disorders. Additionally, it is to celebrate those who have recovered...
Is Today’s Cannabis A Much Higher Potency?

Is Today’s Cannabis A Much Higher Potency?

“Hippies I knew growing up grew [cannabis] outside in their gardens, as they still do today,” says Jonathan Page, an adjunct professor in the botany department at the University of British Columbia. “But it wasn’t like there was a real push for super high potency....
Alcohol and the Liver: Learn to Love Your Liver

Alcohol and the Liver: Learn to Love Your Liver

While you might recover from a hangover after a night of drinking in about 24 hours, or at least just after a good night’s sleep, this is not the case with the internal effects alcohol has on your body. And there is one main organ that alcohol directly affects...
Everything You Need to Know About Fentanyl

Everything You Need to Know About Fentanyl

Recently, there have been reports of fentanyl overdoses, and especially from fentanyl-laced drugs in situations where people likely did not even know they were coming in contact with fentanyl. So, what has made this dangerous drug the talk of the town? Why does it...
Is Today’s Cannabis A Much Higher Potency?

Cannabis: A Gateway Drug

Do you remember feeling invincible as a teenager? When you are young, it is easy to feel like nothing can hurt you. You are young, so you can basically do anything you want and recover, right? Everybody has to be a little crazy at some point. But while you might be...
What is a Gambling Addiction?

What is a Gambling Addiction?

Have you ever gambled? Maybe not in Las Vegas, but even at a small, local casino, during a game with some friends or even online. Some people maintain a neutral stance when it comes to gambling, others are in favor of it, and others are strongly against it. However,...