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What is a Gambling Addiction?

What is a Gambling Addiction?

Have you ever gambled? Maybe not in Las Vegas, but even at a small, local casino, during a game with some friends or even online. Some people maintain a neutral stance when it comes to gambling, others are in favor of it, and others are strongly against it. However,...

Ambulance called to Ritz Carlton for Lindsay Lohan.

Tmz has a copy of a recorded phone conversation, were a man is requesting an ambulance for Lindsay Lohan. But apparently nothing was wrong when they got there, and the ambulance left empty. Given the amount of problems Lindsay Lohan has had with the law and with...

Is “The Situation” Out Of Control?

Sorrentino checked into the Cirque Lodge rehabilitation center located in Utah a few weeks ago but did not stick it out to finish the program. Drug rehab was needed because Mike was abusing both prescription medications and alcohol, another reminder that substance...