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While still on probation for charges in Texas that he broke into the home of an acquaintance and received more than 1,000 prescription pain pills from Texas pharmacies Leaf could not seem to kick his substance abuse habit. The new charges have been filed in Montana, and they include two counts of the charge of burglary and two counts that he possessed a dangerous drug. Sources say that Leaf broke into the home of a friend to steal prescription drugs to fuel his substance abuse problem. Law enforcement in Texas are reviewing whether or not to revoke probation in Texas as a result of the new charges in Montana.sports stars, substance abuse and crime

Substance abuse has devastated many individuals, stars and average individuals both. The Ryan Leaf story is one that we are all familiar with. The drug use starts slowly but quickly escalates into a full blown addiction. What Ryan Leaf has proven is that a prescription drug addiction is just as dangerous as an addiction to illegal street drugs. More charges may be coming for the former NFL star as well as the police investigation continues. Many NFL stars use pain medications because of injuries sustained during the game and this may jump start the addiction. There is no way of knowing if this is the case with Ryan Leaf but hopefully he can get his legal issues taken care of and get the substance abuse treatment that he so desperately needs.