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Marijuana Use Isn’t Just Popular Among Teens

Marijuana Use Isn’t Just Popular Among Teens

The study analyzed data from 2015-2016 and found that there had been a substantial increase in marijuana use over the past near-decade. The percentage of adults aged 50-64 had doubled and the percentage of adults aged 65 and older had multiplied by more than seven...

Alcoholism and the Compulsivity Circuit

Have you ever wondered why someone would do something even though it hurts them? As an outsider, people often find themselves wondering this about addicts. A new study takes a look at the fact that heavy drinkers will still try to acquire alcohol despite the known...
How Long Does a Boozy Binge Really Last?

How Long Does a Boozy Binge Really Last?

This terrible feeling you likely experience the next morning we often refer to as a hangover. However, new studies show that the effects of that boozy binge the night before might go beyond the hangover and last longer than you think. A study done at the University of...

Naloxone Kits in Kelowna

When it comes to addiction, one of the things we have to be realistic about is the possibility of overdosing. This is a very real concern especially with the overdose emergency of opioids going on today. In the community, there are Naloxone kits available to you and...