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Does this drug have any medical benefits or is it harmful instead? The medical studies have shown mixed results as far as the medical value is concerned. The fact is that any drug can be addictive, and can go on to destroy an individual completely. There are other drugs that have medical uses, like morphine and Oxycontin. The abuse of prescription drugs is a growing problem in the United States, and even if marijuana is used for legitimate medical purposes this can lead to abuse and then addiction if care is not used. A medical recommendation should never be utilized to use any drug outside of the prescribed parameters, whether the drug in question is marijuana, Vicodin, or another option.medical marijuana laws, medical use of marijuana

The Federal Government has determined that marijuana has no medical use, but there are still federal programs that distribute marijuana in a limited number of cases. In addition a number of medical studies have identified compounds that can help fight nausea and other unpleasant symptoms. There are some pharmaceuticals that are based on these results, and that do contain some of the compounds that marijuana plants contain. These prescription medications also contain other ingredients as well though, and they are only prescribed in limited situations. These drugs also carry the potential for abuse and addiction, and they should only be used as directed by the prescribing physician. If you use any substance for medical purposes then you should be extra vigilant about preventing any abuse or addiction, and this includes medical marijuana. If either of these problems occur then you will need professional help and substance abuse treatment.