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1. Start an exercise program or regimen. When you exercise you relieve stress as well as improving your muscle tone and physical condition. Stress is a big relapse trigger and scheduling a regular time every few days for physical activity will help you ensure that you lower these risks as much as possible.

2. Avoid situations where it is easy to fall back into your old habits. If you enjoy a drink while you are out at dinner then try to choose places to dine out that do not offer alcohol in any shape. If a certain friend is a catalyst for smoking marijuana or using other illicit drugs then avoid this individual.

3. Staying away from old hang outs and old social circles where the activity you are avoiding is common will help you stay sober and on the right path to recovery. You may need to make new friends who have the same priorities, and choose new places to go where you will not be as tempted.

4. Plan on alternative activities to replace your old habits and undesired activities. Try volunteering at a homeless shelter or food pantry so that you realize you have it better than many others. This can help you get a new perspective on your life and current situation.

5. Create a support system so that you have someone to discuss things with if you start to weaken. This can be a friend, family member, or even a professional counselor. These people can help you get through the toughest times without giving in any or falling back into substance abuse.