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Signs of Substance Abuse, when to seek helpThere are a number of signs that can indicate substance abuse treatment is required, and if you show any of these or notice them in a loved one then help should be sought immediately. These include:

  • Legal problems caused by illegal drugs or alcohol related crimes. This can include theft, DUI, assault, and many others. If you or someone you care about has been arrested or are facing criminal charges because of drugs or alcohol then help is needed.
  • Financial difficulties and money problems are common when substance abuse occurs. Alcohol and drugs can be very expensive to purchase, and when they become a daily habit the cost can skyrocket as your tolerance goes up and more is required for the same effect.
  • Secretive behavior is common when these issues are present. The individual using does not want anyone to know about these activities or to defend their behavior. New friends may appear and old friends may no longer be part of the social circle.
  • A substantial amount of time can be wasted if you have a substance abuse problem. Many people spend hours trying to find illegal street drugs, and alcohol often causes blackouts where long periods of time are lost.
  • Lying and dishonesty are common with substance abuse issues. You or the loved one may lie about where you are going, who you are seeing, or why you need financial assistance or legal help in the first place. This is done in order to hide the extent of the problem and prevent discovery of the substance abuse.