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addiction treatment, relapse

Addiction treatment is a common need, with estimates that between ten and fifteen percent of all Americans have a substance abuse problem at any time. Unfortunately most of the time addiction treatment does not work, and the failure rates for most rehabs can be very high. Why doesn’t this type of treatment work though? There are a number of different reasons why addiction treatment may fail, and these are common situations in most rehab facilities. Crowded conditions is one reason, because when there are many patients crammed into a small space it is not possible to relax, and recover with no added stress.

Another common reason that addiction treatment fails is the type of therapy offered in the program. Every person has unique reasons for substance abuse, and a one size fits all addiction treatment program is designed to fail. Group therapy is the most common main therapy used, and while group sessions do have benefits they must be supplemented by individual counseling sessions several times each week. Without individual counseling addiction treatment will not be effective, and the result is a much higher risk of relapsing in the future. Cost plays a role in this factor, because individual counseling can be expensive and this is a price that most programs can not afford.

Addiction treatment may also fail if you are feeling deprived, and are accustomed to certain luxuries and amenities. Receiving help should not feel like a punishment, or like you are being deprived of your usual personal service and upscale amenities. These are just two of the many reasons why addiction treatment can fail, and for most rehabs the best they can offer is a temporary recovery, and the hope that you can avoid a relapse. A better way is to use a program that offers all of the tools you need to prevent any relapse after you leave treatment. Without these tools you can not prevent a relapse, and this means further

treatment later on in the future.

At Valiant Recovery we offer addiction treatment that succeeds where other rehabs fail. Compassionate and personal care that treats you like an individual, not just another patient who is being squeezed into a generic plan, is what sets us apart as much as our high success rates do. We offer individual counseling for at least four hours each week, as well as stress control techniques, anger management courses, spiritual counseling, and many other options to help you heal completely and recover fully from substance abuse. Our addiction treatment program can help you find the effective results you are searching for.