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psychological triggers, relapse triggers

When it comes to substance abuse treatment some of the most common relapse causes are psychological and not physical. These mental triggers can play a big part in your success, or in your failure and continued substance abuse. Relapse is a common issue that is a big obstacle to a full and complete recovery. If you understand the psychological triggers that can cause a relapse to occur then you may be able to avoid this scenario. Every individual is different, and the triggers that you have may not be the same as another individual. Understanding what triggers your need to drink or use drugs can help you avoid these situations and keep you on the road to recovery without backsliding.

The most common psychological relapse triggers include:

  • Anger
  • Stress
  • Sadness
  • Depression
  • Psychological cravings
  • Family conflict
  • A desire to have fun with friends

You may also find other psychological factors that contribute to your desire to start using once more. It is important that you accurately evaluate which triggers you experience and then take steps to prevent these from occurring. If you relapse during times of high stress then be proactive, and find a way to relieve stress before it can become a relapse trigger. Go for a run, take a hot bath, or meditate. If anger sets you off then work on staying calm, and avoid situations where you are more likely to lose it. You should also avoid any of the old places and friends that are associated with your substance abuse.