by Valiant | Nov 26, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, arrests for substance abuse, Drug abuse, mental illness and disorders, teen drug use
Families of addicts have a tough time, and this is especially true during the holidays. From Thanksgiving through New Years the entire focus is on family and friends, and spending time with those you care about. For those who are affected because a loved one has an...
by Valiant | Nov 25, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse
The truth is that the individual with the problem must be the one to want help. Until this point is reached then all of the available programs in the world will not work and the addiction will continue. An intervention may be the first step to a complete recovery, and...
by Valiant | Nov 24, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, relapse prevention
The holidays are really tough for those with substance abuse problems. There are many ways that you can get through them without relapsing though. Some of these include: 1. Spend the day feeding the homeless or helping those less fortunate. Instead of sitting around...
by Valiant | Nov 23, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, relapse prevention
When it comes to Thanksgiving many addicts spend this time of year alone. After repeated attempts to help have failed family members tend to pull away. There may be the belief that the addict does not want to change, or family members may finally give up hope that the...
by Valiant | Nov 18, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
1. Stage An Intervention- An intervention may not seem ideal, because you do not want your loved one angry at you. Without help the destructive downward spiral of substance abuse or addiction will only get worse. A professional intervention can finally break through...
by Valiant | Nov 17, 2012 | Addiction treatment, advances in technology, Alcohol abuse, celebrity news, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, relapse prevention, teen drug use
1. Spiritual Counseling- Spiritual wounds and voids often contribute to alcohol and drug use. If spiritual counseling is not provided to help you work through these issues and finally get closure then the risk of relapse can be very high. These invisible wounds fester...