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child abuse, drug possession

Nadia Lockyer had everything. As a former supervisor for Alameda County, and the estranged spouse of California State Treasurer Bill Lockyer, Nadia seemed to have the American Dream but that all fell apart. Nadia Lockyer has struggled with substance abuse problems and these just became much more serious. When Orange County police searched the home that Nadia and her 9 year old son were staying the search uncovered methamphetamine that belonged to her. Nadia Lockyer has been charged with child abuse as well as drug possession. Since Nadia and Bill Lockyer separated Bill has been seeking joint custody of the son that the couple share, but with the recent charges that may change and Bill Lockyer could end up with sole custody of the boy.

In April of 2012 Nadia Lockyer resigned from her position as a county supervisor, and her resignation followed a string of public scandals and unusual behavior that she blamed on substance abuse problems. Nadia moved in with relatives in Orange County, and a tip to local police led them to the house with suspicion that drugs were being stored. Methamphetamine and the equipment needed to smoke this drug were found but Nadia Lockyer was not present in the home when the drugs were found. When police finally came across Nadia Lockyer later in the day it was obvious that she was under the influence of methamphetamine and police arrested her immediately. The child abuse charge stems from the fact that methamphetamine was kept in the same home where her son stayed. Hopefully Nadia will get the help she needs this time around, for the sake of her son if not for herself.