by Valiant | Jan 16, 2013 | Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
Substance abuse and addiction often lead to an overdose. What is this though, and what happens when this medical condition does occur? An overdose is a life threatening emergency and can be fatal if treatment is not received immediately, and death may occur even is...
by Valiant | Dec 28, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, relapse prevention, teen drug use
It is almost the beginning of a new year, and a time to make resolutions that are intended to make your life better. What should this be though? Some want to lose weight, others want to live a healthier lifestyle, and still others want desperately to recover from...
by Valiant | Dec 27, 2012 | Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
There are a wide range of reasons for substance abuse increases during the holidays but here are just a few that address the root causes. 1. A lack of family and friends who offer support during this time can lead to a sense of loneliness and being isolated. Often the...
by Valiant | Dec 11, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
For most of us Christmas is a time of happiness and giving, but for those who are addicted or have substance abuse problems this time of year is especially stressful. The rate of suicide tends to spike around the year end holiday season and there are a number of...
by Valiant | Nov 18, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
1. Stage An Intervention- An intervention may not seem ideal, because you do not want your loved one angry at you. Without help the destructive downward spiral of substance abuse or addiction will only get worse. A professional intervention can finally break through...
by Valiant | Nov 17, 2012 | Addiction treatment, advances in technology, Alcohol abuse, celebrity news, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, relapse prevention, teen drug use
1. Spiritual Counseling- Spiritual wounds and voids often contribute to alcohol and drug use. If spiritual counseling is not provided to help you work through these issues and finally get closure then the risk of relapse can be very high. These invisible wounds fester...