by Valiant | Sep 9, 2013 | Addiction treatment, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
1. Distressed Respiration- Opiate medications will depress the respiratory system, and this can lead to slow and shallow breathing. When too much of the drug is used then the individual may stop breathing at all. 2. A Sense Of Euphoria- Opiates will cause a sense of...
by Valiant | Jul 9, 2013 | Addiction treatment, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
There are a number of common signs that indicate prescription drug abuse or addiction, and knowing these can help determine whether an individual needs substance abuse treatment. These include: Doctor Shopping- Doctor shopping occurs when the individual goes to more...
by Valiant | Jul 8, 2013 | Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
Oxycontin is becoming one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs across the nation, but who is at risk for developing an Oxycontin addiction? This narcotic pain medication is very powerful and is only prescribed to treat moderate to severe pain. A myth...
by Valiant | Jun 27, 2013 | Addiction treatment, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
Prescription drug abuse is becoming an alarming trend in the USA but who is at risk for this problem? There are a number of risk factors that could mean you have a higher risk of becoming addicted to certain types of prescription medications, even if these have been...
by Valiant | May 30, 2013 | Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
This misuse and abuse can include: Taking more of a medication that what was prescribed Taking prescribed medication when it is not really needed Taking a prescription drug that was not prescribed for the individual Buying prescription drugs on the street Trading...
by Valiant | May 16, 2013 | heroin use, Prescription drug abuse
As a parent, relative, and friend there are some things that you should know about opiate abuse. Opiates are a class of drugs that were developed from the opium poppy, and they work well at controlling pain but they are often abused and are highly addictive. These...