by Valiant | Apr 14, 2014 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
One of the most common questions asked when it comes to substance abuse and addiction treatment is whether the cost will be covered by health insurance. Rehab programs for drugs and alcohol can be very affordable, very expensive, or somewhere in between these two...
by Valiant | Mar 3, 2014 | Addiction treatment, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
Prescription drugs that are commonly abused will generally fall into 3 classes, although there are some other substances that may be abused as well. Prescription medications with the highest potential for abuse include: Opioids Central Nervous System Depressants...
by Valiant | Jan 10, 2014 | Drug abuse, medical studies, Prescription drug abuse
A new video game has been developed that can help doctors identify patients who abuse prescription drugs, and this game may help save lives. The interactive game is based on research performed by Dr. Michael F. Fleming, associated with the Northwestern University...
by Valiant | Nov 25, 2013 | Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
Prescription drug abuse among teens and young adults is on the rise and many parents and medical professionals are concerned about this trend. In some states more teens and young adults die from an overdose due to prescription drug abuse than those who die in an auto...
by Valiant | Oct 14, 2013 | Addiction treatment, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse New research gives some interesting findings about prescription drug abuse among doctors, including the reasons for the prescription drug abuse in the first place. The number one reason given for this type of substance abuse is...
by Valiant | Sep 16, 2013 | Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
New safety measures are being put into place by the FDA in order to minimize or even eliminate the risk of prescription drug abuse for narcotic pain medications, but will the results live up to expectations? The new FDA requirement calls for a revised label with new...