by Valiant | Nov 17, 2012 | Addiction treatment, advances in technology, Alcohol abuse, celebrity news, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, relapse prevention, teen drug use
1. Spiritual Counseling- Spiritual wounds and voids often contribute to alcohol and drug use. If spiritual counseling is not provided to help you work through these issues and finally get closure then the risk of relapse can be very high. These invisible wounds fester...
by Valiant | Nov 16, 2012 | Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, teen drug use
1. Changes In Friends- Often substance abuse can be identified by a change in friends and peer groups of the teenager. As alcohol or drugs take over the teen has less time for old friends, and will surround themselves with new peers who share the same substance abuse...
by Valiant | Nov 15, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, arrests for substance abuse, Drug abuse, mental illness and disorders, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
1. Family Relationships- Addiction can destroy family relationships, break down communication, and even cause a lack of trust. Family members may try to help but until you are ready this assistance is often turned down. 2. Friendships- When addiction sets in then...
by Valiant | Nov 14, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse, teen drug use
1. Alcohol and drugs can become expensive very quickly, and can cause financial problems. Asking to borrow money all the time or being frequently behind in bills and debt payments can be a sign that substance abuse treatment is needed. 2. Legal issues like DUI and...
by Valiant | Nov 13, 2012 | Addiction treatment, advances in technology, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, relapse prevention, teen drug use
1. Confidentiality- Professionals who have substance abuse or addiction issues can maintain complete confidentiality when early treatment is sought. If treatment is ordered or mandated then you could end up losing some of the confidentiality involved because...
by Valiant | Nov 12, 2012 | Addiction treatment, Alcohol abuse, Drug abuse, Prescription drug abuse
Approximately 15%-20% of all aviation incidents and accidents around the globe involve a pilot who tests positive for some substance. The most commonly abused substances for pilot are marijuana and alcohol. Both of these can be extremely dangerous if quick thinking is...